For those of you who don't know, the two week wait is the two weeks that starts when a woman ovulates, and ends with her expected period. It's the two weeks that every woman (and man) dreads that is trying to conceive. It's the longest two weeks of your life. And it happens every month. You literally count the days, the hours, the minutes until you can take a test. You try and decide how early you can test to possibly get a positive result. Then you disregard that, test WAY too early, and waste a bunch of money because those things aren't cheap! Then when you see yet another negative result, you are crushed, even though you knew it was going to be negative anyway. It's like a cruel game of chess between your brain and your body.
For me, the two week wait is always full of "pregnancy symptoms" wether I am pregnant or not. They usually start a couple of days after I ovulate. My symptoms come from the Clomid increasing my progesterone to levels my body is not used to (I was diagnosed with low progesterone.) This cycle is different. And it's not fair. Here is why. Cycle one of Clomid, my progesterone increased from a very low 3 to 23. Cycle two of Clomid, my progesterone increased from 23 to 27. Cycle three of clomid, my progesterone increased again, this time from 27 to 59. Wait, what? 59???? Now my heart tells me, that number says I'm pregnant! But my head tells me, there is no way to know this early! I KNOW it's too soon to tell anything. But it's so hard to get that thought out of my head.
Right now, I am smack dab in the middle of my two week wait. Sadly my two week wait is usually about sixteen days. Only time will tell. In the meantime, how do I take my mind off of it? Sometimes I feel like you can't even live a normal life while trying to conceive and struggling with infertility.
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