Thursday, January 30, 2014

Clomid and Family

Today is day three of my third cycle of Clomid and I'm already feeling the side effects. Last night, I had crazy night sweats. I woke up this morning to painful ovaries. My back was aching. I was totally exhausted. I, of course, consulted Dr. Google. What I found online said that these can all be normal side effects of the  Clomid. The night sweats come from elevated hormone levels. The ovary pain, back pain, and exhaustion is most likely from my ovaries working hard to produce at least one, if not more egg(s). If this is anything like previous cycles, these symptoms will continue until I ovulate. But this cycle the pain started much earlier than it has before. Ovulation for me has become painful on Clomid. Before baby making, I never paid attention to my cycle or how I felt a different times in my cycle. Since we have been trying to have a baby, I have tried to listen to my body. I have tried to correspond what or how I feel with what is happening in my body. Since practicing, I have started to feel myself ovulate. It was always a little painful, I just didn't always know it was ovulation pain. But since being on Clomid, the pain has increased exponentially. It now rivals period cramps.

After a long afternoon nap, DanRo and I visited my parents. My mother and I had a very long talk about fertility, and some of our family history. After my mother became yet another person reaching out to me to share her story, (there have been so many and I thank each and every one of you) we started to uncover clues in our family history that could contribute to our infertility problems. On my mother's side of the family, while she comes from a family of five children, almost every other family had no more than two children. Most had one. A lot had none. This spans a couple of centuries. What really struck something with me is a lot of these people were from a time and place when/where it was common to have upwards of ten kids, yet their families were so small. I wish there was a way to know what the whole story was. But those stories are long gone.

I wonder how all of those couples dealing with infertility in the past dealt with it without modern medicine? I can at least feel a little more proactive about my situation by seeing my doctor and taking this medication. Were there ways to actually increase fertility in, say, the 1800s? Were they effective? Were they more natural than a lab made chemical? Sometimes I think natural is the way to go. These side effects just feel so artificial and they are not pleasant. I pity poor DanRo when the mood swings set in. But I have yet to find something natural that can do for me what Clomid does. More research must be done.

Sunday, January 26, 2014


One of the main reasons I turned to the internet to spill my guts was because of the support I have received here. It has not always been so nice in real life. On the internet, I can say exactly what I feel and I have lots of people, both men and women, reach out to me and share their story or offer their support or words of encouragement. In real life, when I have opened up about my infertility struggles, I have been met with judgement and half-hearted advice from people who have no idea what it's like to even try to have a baby, let alone try and fail.

My biggest problem was that I was reaching out to all the wrong people and didn't know it. For a while, DanRo and I kept our trying to have a baby a secret. We weren't sure how people would react to us trying, so we didn't tell many people, including our families. Then, after my first miscarriage, we decided not to tell people in case I miscarried again (our thinking on this changed as the miscarriage number grew, and everyone, including our families know now.) So, the people that I was turning to for support were a lot of the people I worked with (at the time I worked at a boarding facility for cats and dogs and I was a supervisor.) I worked with a lot of women. When we started trying to have a baby, four, (yes, FOUR) of those women were pregnant. I expected to get support and sympathy from these women especially. But I most certainly did not. I got a lot of snarky comments. When I would be talking to someone about what was going on, sometimes I would look at them and all I could see on there face was, "How is this going to affect me?" I had a guy go behind my back and tell people that I was using pregnancy as an excuse to get out of things. He even implied that I was making up the miscarriages (ASSHOLE.) At one point, I was opening up to one of my bosses about our saga and was mentioning adoption if we aren't able to get pregnant. And instead of being supportive, she told me that my husband would have to get a new job because the one he has now is not good enough (are you fucking serious right now?) Turns out, I was the one that needed the new job. I actually quit my job at this place, partly because of these and other comments.

What I was expecting was to be lifted up and encouraged by these women. I expected us to rally together and empower each other and commiserate together. And when I didn't get that, on top of stuggling with the infertility, I shut down. I was depressed. DanRo recognized this, but didn't know how to help me. He knew that there were a few women that I had reached out to or had reached it to me on the internet and had helped me. He knew that there were forums that I would go on to get information or to talk about our latest failure. He also knew I was a writer. And that is where Inconceivably Happy came from (DanRo even named it!)

Since reaching out online, I have gotten that much needed support. I have read stories that have touched me and said things that I couldn't say (like this one!) I have also found those real-world women that I needed support from, just online. There have been strangers from around the world that have offered their words of encouragement. There have been others, just like me, who have shared their stories of loss and grief and sometimes their happy ending. Sometimes not. But either way, I have found that much needed support system.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

A Poem From My Husband

My husband DanRo is a musician, poet, and writer. He has a way with words, and expresses himself beautifully and in ways that I cannot. He wrote this earlier today.

I have urged him to start his own blog.

Feeling Broken... Again

Round 2 of Clomid... it was a bust. My period came today and yet again I am not pregnant. I tried not to be sad about it, but of course I am. I had lots of pregnancy symptoms this month, which I know is most likely caused by my increased progesterone. My body is not used to is being this high because of the Clomid. That causes the symptoms. I KNOW this. And yet, I get my hopes every time, only to have them bleed out of me.

This cycle hit DanRo hard too. I sometimes forget that it's not just me that gets upset. He wants to be a dad just as bad as I want to be a mom. Since most of our infertility issues have been problems with me so far, I forget that it hurts him too.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

My Background

I guess you should know a little bit about me and my journey thus far. My husband and I have been trying to conceive for about a year. We actually started by accident, kind of. We had a pregnancy scare in early 2013. We weren't trying to have a baby. I actually had never even wanted kids. But when we found out that I wasn't pregnant, we were both kind of sad. So we talked about it, and decided to start trying.

I got pregnant in April 2013 and we were thrilled! But it was very short lived. Two days after having a positive pregnancy test, I miscarried. Excitement turned to devastation.

We decided to keep trying. Nothing more happened until August 2013 when I got pregnant again. We were excited, but cautious. About a week after we found out, I miscarried again. The sadness set it again.

The very next cycle, in September 2013, I got pregnant for a third time. Again, we were excited, but cautious. And again, about a week after we found out, I miscarried. We were heartbroken and searching for answers. We were desperate to be parents. It seemed so unfair that I kept getting pregnant, but couldn't stay that way.

In October 2013, I was able to see my OBGYN, Dr. Boyles. She has been great. After a normal exam (and a normal check up with my family doctor) she ordered some blood work. It all came back normal.

The next test was a 21 day progesterone level check (also blood work.) This is ordered to check for ovulation. I was told that a normal level was 12. Mine was 3. That explained the miscarriages. The eggs that my ovaries were releasing were not mature enough to grow into a healthy baby. Because the eggs were not mature enough, they were also not releasing enough progesterone to sustain a pregnancy. Thus, the early miscarriages.

Dr. Boyles suggested I start a fertility medication called Clomid. Clomid is a medication that stimulates your ovaries to produce mature eggs, enhancing the quality of ovulation.

I started the medication in November 2013. I had horrible symptoms. I had constant hot flashes, but the night sweats were the worst. I had crazy mood swings and I would cry at the drop of a hat. I even had some depression.

My progesterone was checked again on day 21 of my cycle. To my delight, my progesterone had increased from 3 to 22.7! The nurse told me that was "very encouraging." So, we waited for my period not to come. But it did, two days late.

My doctor said that since the Clomid worked so well last cycle, that we could try it again this cycle at the same dose. So in December 2013, I started my second cycle of Clomid. This time, the symptoms were still there, but not as strong. My 21 day progesterone was checked again, and this time it was 23.5. Again, the nurse told me this was encouraging.

The nurse also told me that if I am not pregnant this cycle, that there are some tests that she recommends for me and my husband. But we will cross that bridge when we come to it, as I am still in the dreaded "two week wait," which should be called "the two week torture."

So, now you are up to speed on my journey. Please take the rest of the trip with me! :)

Monday, January 20, 2014

The Dedication

First off, I have to thank my lovely and wonderful husband DanRo. Me starting this blog was his idea and without him, I wouldn't be writing. So, DanRo, this is for you, our current fur babies, and hopefully to our future children. I love you all more than I could ever say. But this blog will serve as my dedication to you.